We have a small core group of people that are fully dedicated to the Research Data Service. Our main service areas are: Data Policy Expertise, Data Management Plan Reviews, Data Management Consultation, Data Management Instruction and Outreach, Data Curation, Data Publication. We also work with a wide array of individuals within the Library and elsewhere on campus for complex consultations and to tap into the expertise of others. If you are uncertain who might be the best person to reach out to, we will help you find the right person(s).
Heidi Imker
Allen and Elaine Avner Professor in Interdisciplinary Research, University Library
Director, Research Data Service
312 Library
M/C 522
Experts Profile
Data Policy Expertise (lead)
Hoa Luong
Associate Director, Research Data Service
310 Main Library
1408 W Gregory Dr
M/C 522
Data Curation, Data Publication (lead)
Sandi Caldrone
Assistant Professor, University Library
Research Data Librarian, Research Data Service
312 Library
M/C 522
Data Management Plan Reviews, Data Management Instruction and Outreach (lead)

Christine Thuy Minh Nguyen
Data Management Outreach